Currently ADA North Pool (TICKER: ANP) & nbx.com is running a promotion since valentines where we are testing Vending Machine. We give out 1 world mobile token (WMT) for every delegator having delegated 1 epoch or more to our pool allready and with minimum amount of 100 ADA. We are also giving 2 WMT per 100K ADA delegated (0.00002 WMT per ADA delegated) also with requirement of 100 ADA minimum and no epoch waiting period as rewards will start to count from first epoch delegated. That means it can be quite rewarding to delegate to ANP currently. Also remember to claim any rewards before considering unstaking, as such rewards will go back to the rewards pool and you will not be able to claim after unstaking from ADA North Pool.
As an example a delegator with 10000 ada would get 1.2 WMT per epoch on top of the estimated roughly 6 ADA it would get per epoch in regular rewards. In addition vending machine has as a group many other token rewards to the users of the vending machine that the users can claim as well.
Updated 4th march 2022: We have decided to extend the reward system but adjusted the rewards per wallet to 0.25 WMT per epoch for a wallet of atleast 100 ADA. The 0.00002 WMT per ADA reward will remain the same. That would mean 0.45 WMT per epoch if you delegated 10000 ADA or 0.2002 WMT per epoch if you delegated 100 ADA.
The vending machine interface can be found at vm.adaseal.eu and is made by the adaseal pool ticker SEAL. Any pool can use this solution as long as they are a single pool operator on Cardano.

Now if you transfer the amount of ada to the address given you should recieve in your wallet the amount of tokens listed in the reward section. To save ada you can claim tokens at a later epoch but make sure you claim rewards before the reward expires as you will then loose the reward. Expirty of rewards can be checked on rewards breakdown.
If you only want to withdraw a custom token or group of tokens you can customize the request:

When you have selected the tokens you want to withdraw you hit request and you will have an address and amount of ada to send to for this custom amount of token withdraws:

On the custom withdrawal screen you get a new amount of ada to send to the listed ada wallet address. You can click on the track request to see status of the ada deposit: