
North Block AS sponsors LATAM event

Last week Lucas Machchiavelli posted about the Cardano Latam Builders event on X/Twitter. North Block AS was proud to be a sponsor, the event was held at the prestigious National Technological University – Buenos Aires. Argentina and the LATAM community in general is truly paving the way forward for Cardano and as a member of the Nordic Cardano Community this is inspiring to see.

Cardano Latam Builders event picture recieved from Lucas Machiaveli.
North Block was there for the Coffee Break 🙂

Busy times with Intersect

As previously announced Ada North Pool joined Intersect once this was possible back in october 2023. I soon found a shovel and started digging since I belive in being a contributing member in getting this Membership Based Organisation up and running. I joined the Civics committee with bi-weekly meetings, The Backlog working group as well as civics committee related working groups both in the past and currently that takes quite a lot of my time every week (honestly a full time job in terms of effort) that will be announced at a later date, and finally I joined the Pioneer DRep program. I am also in another committee that will be announced at a later date that has taken quite a lot of my time and is on more of the internal governance of Intersect. Me and Thomas as well as Beatrice from Nordic Cardano Community also held online DRep workshops as well as a workshop in France and now in England in May and in August in USA. In total I will have done 6 DRep workshops and with my team 10 DRep workshops so we are trying to do our part 🙂

Research wise I have been to some of the swarm organized events such as the AI discussion group as well as the Unifires project that shares experience with Polygon. I am also drafting on an update to the democratic pluralism paper and attending weekly circle meetings with the Photrek team (as well as lectures on Sociocratic methods before the cirlces) and contributing to some book projects, as well as another article that might or might not be published. Finally I am also in contact with the Gimbalab teams and sharing my experience on theory of harmonizing code and law and in particular smart contract appealability. I held a discussion group on this subject during the Buidler fest in France that I attended.

Ofcourse I have also been busy doing SPO stuff such as helping the ecosystem mapping team with mapping out my roles and also how SPO role could benefit from such ecosystem mapping. I am still running a Mithril node on top of Cardano-node and still helping test out the Midnight network when time permits. Organisation wise I am also still doing town halls and helping out with the Nordic Cardano community and I am an Iagon Ambassador as well. My company North Block AS was started end of last year and I have done educational work and advisory work so far with it and all related to Cardano. I am also exited that Norwegian Block Exchange that I work for also are doing more things in the Cardano ecosystem and you will hopefully hear more from me on some of the things I am doing representing NBX as well in the future as well as some Cardano events I will join representing NBX.

I hope that gave some idea of some of the work I have been doing and appologize for not posting often on the Ada North Pool site. I assure everyone I am still very much in the Cardano ecosystem and working active for its future to be bright.

Educational General

2024 the year of Cardano Governance

Ada North Pool, together with Ambassador Thomas Lindseth hosted one of series of workshops funded by Catalyst as part of the Nordic Community (NADA).

The event was really fun and successful in the sense that we got 14 members of the Nordic community to discuss in depth the DRep role and Code of Conduct for the Delegated Representatives (DRep’s).

You can read more about the event on the cardano forum where we also have a video recording of the workshop.


Some updates from ANP

It has been busy months for Ada North pool. I have joined the Mithril network of signers and it might be good for delegators to know that by delegating to Ada North Pool you are also supporting this effort.

I also attended multiple workshops and held the Nordic workshop on Governance in Horten together with Kryptolabs. I attended in Edinburgh for the main workshop on CIP-1694 and I am now working on a workshop series for direct representatives (dReps) together with a talented team.

Apart from this I have been writing on governance articles (many to come) and one such coming to fruition is a provocative article on if we are currently in a centralizing corporation model and how we can move towards a digital nation model type for Cardano – see the current draft document here. Apart from that we are looking into collaborations on treasury model (together again with Thomas from kryptolabs and with Swarm). From NBX I also produced articles on governance and we voted for the minfee of 170 with pools increasing to 1000.

I also worked on an explorer for the SanchoNet and made some early guides for the testnet. I will continue to work on this in the future as well. We set up a Nordic Cardano Community called NADA and we have weekly videos as well as a whole day of workshop (Signup link) on how to run a Cardano node and be an SPO during the Oslo summit where I also will be panel leader for a governance discussion. Apart from that I have reached out and might join Gamechanger wallet for a collaborative effort in the future.

I recently joined Intersect and the Civics committee where we also will be working on more governance-related tasks and I am still preparing work for a governance book for the Cardano ecosystem. This is only some of the things I have been doing lately and I realized that it might be good to update the delegators on some of what I have been doing behind the scenes and maybe give some reasons to why to delegate to Ada North Pool.


Blockheads episode #1

Jet lagged from my trip to the Longmont Colorado workshop in the US I did my first episode of Blockheads together with Nido and Thomas from Kryptolabs as well as Fredrik Gregard from Cardano Foundation. You can see the episode here:


World Mobile Token Promo from valentines 2022 to 2023 ended.

We ran a World Mobile Token Promo from valentines 2022 until now Valentines 2023. The funds will run out in next epoch 394. We still love the project, and our relationship has been taken to the next level with private and public testnets and gearing up for actual launch of the blockchain to the public. You can still claim many other tokens through vending machine or Tosidrop for delegating to ANP such as Hosky tokens and BabySeal tokens. You can also gain Nunet tokens through the earndrop see as ANP is one of the participating pools. (it is temporary paused but follow the blog for latest news).


Happy new year

2022 was busy in the world of Cardano, such as attending the Cardano Oslo Summit and creating a lot of content for the Cardano ecosystem in regards to research as well as governance. In 2023 we are doing many simpler and shorter articles to go back to basics on Cardano and offer newcomers to the ecosystem something to get started with. At where we also offer staking for adanorthpool we have written a few articles:

What is Cardano
Step-by-step guide: Stake Cardano ADA with NBX
Crypto staking: the new era of minting cryptocurrency
What is Cardano staking?
How are blocks made on the Cardano blockchain?
What are the addresses used for delegation on Cardano?
Staking: Delegation in Cardano Proof-of-Stake Model Explained

If you are Norwegian you are in luck we have all the articles in Norwegian as well:
Hva er Cardano?
Trinn-for-trinn guide: Stake Cardano ADA hos NBX
Crypto staking: den nye æraen av kryptovaluta utstedning 
Hva er addressene som brukes for å delegere for staking på Cardano?
Hvordan lages blokker på Cardano blokkjeden
Hva er Cardano staking?

As a bonus – here is my favorite video of 2022:
Governance with Dr. Mihaela Ulieru 


New home for ANP

We now have a home also at Norwegian Block Exchange has just implemented protocol staking on the platform and we run a single pool. If you prefer to stake on an exchange for custodial reasons such as insured funds or easy access to trading then please check out as well.


A short look at Permissionless Clock Synchronization with Public Setup

Short (less than half hour) look at Permissionless Clock Synchronization with public setup from the IOHK library of research papers.


A short video on PEReDi: Privacy-Enhanced, Regulated and Distributed Central Bank Digital Currencies