Hello, my name is Eystein Hansen and I have been involved in Cardano since around december 2017. Since the very first days I have believed Cardano needs geographical diversification (see for example this post from February 2018: https://forum.cardano.org/t/staking-pools-and-some-issues-that-perhaps-should-be-considered/7711).
I also believe in a working echosystem for Cardano and was part of the group who worked for getting a new board for Cardano Foundation, working with first letter and one of the signers of the second letter (for an overview of the history see #1 https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2018/10/12/an-open-letter-to-the-cardano-community-from-iohk-and-emurgo/ and #2 https://hackernoon.com/whats-going-on-with-cardano-3f2996841b21 and #3 https://hackernoon.com/cardano-foundation-chairman-resigns-following-community-effort-50453efd3d3c ).
After that period of governance change (for the better imho) I worked on two ideas for Cardano BitLaw and Family connect:
bitlaw: https://forum.cardano.org/t/bitlaw-a-legal-system-with-a-dsl-for-cardano-governance/18887
Family connect: https://forum.cardano.org/t/possible-idea-for-family-economic-connection/25247
Now I am full circle again where I stared with wanting to be involved in the staking process and trying to make sure that we have geographically and hardware diverse Staking Pools.
I believe it is important the little guys have staking pools and that Cardano is both geographically, individually and hardware wise diversified to protect from attack vectors like governmental attacks, specific hardware vulnerability attacks or cloud based attacks etc. If you agree maybe you could delegate some of your stake with my staking pool?