ADA North Pool and ANP Northern Lights take network infrastructure as serious as we can and we try to evolve whenever we get a chance to do so. In this case we now are using the IOHK nix docker images that we deploy through a docker swarm across the world. We now have 5 public relays in Norway across two different computers with seperate fiber connections and 2 internal private relays handling incomming request to our cores. This on top of 1 ITN pool and 1 ITN relay. We have redundancy through using a mikrotik router (can handle 5 million 64kb packets per second of routing) for a 2nd internal LAN network across the home computers so even if one of the internet is down we can still reach globaly through the other. On top of this we have 2 servers in Germany handling 4 relays (and 2 ITN relays). Finally we have now expanded outside europe with a single google cloud vm (1cpu 4gb) individually in each with premium network infrastructure tier in USA (US WEST) and Japan (Tokyo) while a regular network infrastructure tier in Australia (Sydney) as well. We hope this will mean we can contribute even more to the overall network health of Cardano while also benefitting our own two core pools in our homeservers in Norway ANP and ANPNL.
Full list of relays:
On top of this we have:
3 ITN relays and 1 ITN pool.
2 Private relays in Norway.
2 pools in Norway.