
Happy new year

2022 was busy in the world of Cardano, such as attending the Cardano Oslo Summit and creating a lot of content for the Cardano ecosystem in regards to research as well as governance. In 2023 we are doing many simpler and shorter articles to go back to basics on Cardano and offer newcomers to the ecosystem something to get started with. At where we also offer staking for adanorthpool we have written a few articles:

What is Cardano
Step-by-step guide: Stake Cardano ADA with NBX
Crypto staking: the new era of minting cryptocurrency
What is Cardano staking?
How are blocks made on the Cardano blockchain?
What are the addresses used for delegation on Cardano?
Staking: Delegation in Cardano Proof-of-Stake Model Explained

If you are Norwegian you are in luck we have all the articles in Norwegian as well:
Hva er Cardano?
Trinn-for-trinn guide: Stake Cardano ADA hos NBX
Crypto staking: den nye æraen av kryptovaluta utstedning 
Hva er addressene som brukes for å delegere for staking på Cardano?
Hvordan lages blokker på Cardano blokkjeden
Hva er Cardano staking?

As a bonus – here is my favorite video of 2022:
Governance with Dr. Mihaela Ulieru