A very interesting discussion regarding saturation point for staking pools can be found in the Cardano effect episode 64 and not to reveal too much but I learned something new myself on a misconception I had on the subject. I felt we started off a bit slow but after that the discussion picked off pace and hopefully you the viewer find it usefull as well.
Category: Media
I have moved from wordpress hosting due to often down times on the site and instead hosted it on the Ada North Pool server with nginx, wordpress and with Cloudflare as DNS. This ment I had to import the posts from wordpress hosting. Hopefully this means a stable and secure webpage from today and onwards.
Ada North Pool on the Cardano Effect
Hey all. I (Eystein Magnus Hansen) where on the The Cardano Effect episode 58 (Stake Pool Operators, Jormungandr, Centralized vs Decentralized | TCE 58) and I discussed the need for decentralization and hopefully that the ecosystem will have a good mix of different types of hardware and not only cloud based.
I also discussed how Stake Pools also will be part of a social process and in that regard I have now looked into a logo (pending) to go with name of the site and added SSL so users will feel the website is safe to use. I hope to use this site as a way to communicate with stake delegators to my pool.