General Pool status updates

ADA North Pool 0.8.2 ITN server reset – service offline for less than 1 second

ADA North Pool had its first error that caused the service to have to reset. This took somewhat less than 1 second so did not in any way affect the pools ability to produce blocks but in line with transparency and since we are in TestNet phase this is reported here on server status updates.

Sensitive IP data edited away. A connection error caused an error (code 24 – reported to IOHK) and this caused our service to terminate.
As can be seen by the service active stat since 22:03:44 the service rebooted and where back up again roughly 1 second later. Given that you have a small time frame window to produce blocks this would not have affected the pools ability to produce a block only giving it a slightly higher time from wake up to finished if unlucky.

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