In an effort to optimize our server structure we have moved the web server and in the process doubled its capacity (cpu/ram/diskspace) while roughly halving the costs. We have also added more relays some are public and can be seen for example on, and some are none public and will not be disclosed location/address.
Cardano is not just Cardano. It is an ecosystem of not only users but of cryptocurrencies utilizing its platform and really this is the 3.0 version of cryptocurrencies where they collaborate and together find use cases. In that regard I want to as an SPO of Cardano to highlight some of the very interesting collaborations going on and currently in particular with Ergo. In that regard I have so far written a small article on Ergo: and also posted a small video clip on how to set up a windows based mining node for Ergo, as well as how to set up a node. More will follow soon 🙂
Yesterday I discovered I had troubles with my main relay computer that used timesynchronization from Google as a single source of such synchronization. This caused blocks to be produced in the future and my relay failed to propegate blocks correctly. My main server computer used another undisclosed time server but given all blocks are routed through my main relay and another undisclosed relay I cannot rule out this to be the cause of 0 blocks this epoch so far. All relays and servers are 1.24.2 and all files have correct permissions (400) and all are synched correctly now. I appologize to my delegators for not discovering this problem sooner. My only excuse is it only became public knowledge yesterday google had troubles. For the future I will use multiple time synching servers across the globe to avoid this pitfall.
Due to many reasons ADA North Pool will reduce its pledge to 50K and will also reduce costs by removing redundant relays that are costing us as much as we are getting in rewards. By doing these drastic moves I hope to continue supporting the Cardano network with ADA North Pool for a long time coming and the reduced cost will now mean I only have electricty bills, 1 hetzner server, 2x internets at home, web server in cloud and maintainance of 4 computers to take care of. I am also likely to put my energy into coding and look into contributing to the growth of the network through this way hopefully. I still believe having a solid hardware foundation is the way to go for more advanced pool operators and would pave the way for more interesting network operations and code in the future so I am not abandoning the bare metal home server approach anytime soon.
In support of the Cardano single Pool Alliance I have decided that ADA North Pool will go back to its roots and become a single pool operator like it was during the ITN. Next epoch ANPNL will be closed down and it will start a new chapter with a refocused effort on ANP. I will also soon streamline services more and reduce costs that are not needed but not at the expensive of performance. This will ensure better long term operations. ANP will remain a supporter of KIVA cardano team and folding@home cardano community effort.
The webserver had a small interuption of service. This was due to an SSL certification change of provider not going as smoothly as planned. The problem has been fixed. The pool servers where never interupted in operation (another server and even if same server not dependant on SSL) so no blocks have been lost 🙂
ANP Cardano Virtual Summit presentation
IOHK published my presentation from the Cardano Virtual Summit and you can find it here
I think it gives an OK overview of governance and some issues ahead we should tackle in a better way.
I made a concious decicion when I decided to disclose my HW for marketing reasons and with pro/con of this, and also since we all are likely to run recent Intel/AMD it is easy to guess anyhow. But going forward new HW from ANP will not be disclosed in detail for security reasons.
So the security contest of August has now ended. One outer relay / webserver had a weaknesses that allowed hackers to learn information and a user was rewarded 500 ADA for this discovery. No user reported either files of the two core servers.

In an emotional moment for me as I have been waiting quite long for the pool to produce the block yesterday ADA North Pool finally made a block. This means delegtors will recieve full rewards in epoch 210 as in the first epoch your performance will be 100% if you produce any blocks.